В свежем номере газеты The Wall Street Journal Asia

12.08.2014 14:14:00 (GMT+12)

В свежем номере газеты The Wall Street Journal Asia
Kurds Repel Insurgents in Northern Iraq

Islamist extremists in Iraq made a rare retreat in an area hit by U.S. airstrikes, in an early sign of impact from the American campaign. But the country's constitutional crisis deepened as the prime minister denounced the president and security forces were deployed across the capital.

Israelis, Palestinians Agree to Cease-Fire

A fresh 72-hour cease-fire in the monthlong Gaza war went into effect Monday, but Israeli and Palestinian negotiators faced daunting challenges in reaching a longer-term agreement to prolong the calm.

U.S. May Boost Australian Military Presence

The U.S. is considering rotating more fighter jets and bombers through northern Australia as part of steps to deepen its defense ties with Asia-Pacific allies, according to briefing notes reviewed ahead of a visit by John Kerry and Chuck Hagel.

A Frosty Outlook for Japan's GDP

Japan's economy likely contracted sharply in the second quarter after a sales tax increase, setting the stage for tough decisions this year by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Bank of Japan.

Citigroup, Swiss Firm Wage Court Battle Over Metals Payments

Citigroup and Swiss-based trader Mercuria Energy Group are battling in a London court over payments relating to metals-backed financing arrangements in China valued at over $270 million.

Alibaba Offers Perk to Some Luxury Brands

Alibaba is telling some prestigious brands that once they open their own stores on its Tmall e-commerce site it will purge goods sold by unauthorized retailers.

Treasury Wine Gets Rival Bid

Private-equity firm TPG is behind a rival $3.14 billion takeover bid for Treasury Wine Estates, a person familiar with the matter said.

Kinder Morgan to Scrap Partnerships

Kinder Morgan is consolidating its vast oil-and-gas pipeline empire into a single company amid investor worries about the enterprises' growth prospects.

Japanese Stocks Rebound

Asian stocks moved higher, with Japan bouncing back from a hefty decline at the end of last week. The Nikkei rose 1.9%, after falling 3% on Friday.

India Regulator Approves REIT Rules

India's capital markets regulator on Sunday approved rules for the creation of real-estate investment trusts and infrastructure-investment trusts in the country.

俄罗斯外交部驻符拉迪沃斯托克代表处 / Представительство МИД России во Владивостоке

E-mail: mfa-vlad@yandex.ru

俄罗斯外交部驻哈巴罗夫斯克代表处 / Представительство МИД России в Хабаровске

E-mail: khabarovsk@mid.ru

俄罗斯外交部驻彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克代表处 / Представительство МИД России в Петропавловске-Камчатском

E-mail: kamchatka@mid.ru

俄罗斯外交部驻南萨哈林斯克代表处 / Представительство МИД России в Южно-Сахалинске

E-mail: sakhalin@mid.ru

俄罗斯外交部驻雅库茨克代表处 / Представительство МИД России в Якутстке

E-mail: mid@sakha.ru

俄罗斯外交部驻布拉戈维申斯克代表处 / Представительство МИД России в Благовещенске

E-mail: midamur@mail.ru

中华人民共和国驻符拉迪沃斯托克总领事馆 / Генеральное консульство Китайской Народной Республики во Владивостоке

总领馆网址: http://vladivostok.chineseconsulate.org/chn
Сайт Генерального консульства: http://vladivostok.chineseconsulate.org/rus

中华人民共和国驻哈巴罗夫斯克总领事馆 / Генеральное консульство Китайской Народной Республики в Хабаровске

总领馆网址: http://www.chinaconsulate.khb.ru/rus
Сайт Генерального консульства: http://www.chinaconsulate.khb.ru/rus

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